Nixon-Smiley High School College Placement Testing
Nixon-Smiley is committed to preparing all students for life after high school, regardless of which path they choose. We are dedicated to helping our students be successful in their future, maximizing their full potential and making contributions to society.
Have Questions?
Contact Mrs. Jimenez
Ms. Cowey
SAT is only offered in schools once in the fall for grades 10-12 and again in the spring. All other administrations happen at certified test centers. Nixon-Smiley is a certified test center. Students here and elsewhere can choose to take a Saturday administration here when available from the CollegeBoard website. Please take advantage of the convenience of taking it at school during school hours.
SAT Practice
Did you know that Khan Academy offers FREE, official, and customizable SAT preparation online? It is never too early to begin preparing for the test. Click the link to learn more:
PSAT/NMSQT is the test to qualify juniors for a National Merit Scholarship. You can take this test in 10th and 11th grade but only the 11th grade score will be used for the scholarship.
NS High is offering the PSAT/NMSQT on Wednesday, October 30th at 8:30 am. The cost is $20. Sign up by emailing Mrs. Jimenez and making your payment in the high school office.
There is only one administration of the PSAT/NMSQT during a school year. Please plan accordingly and email Mrs. Jimenez if you have any questions.
TSIA2 - commonly called TSI
We will offer TSIA2 testing once a month (except for December and April). Testing costs $4 a section; there are three sections. Students must register by emailing Mrs. Jimenez and making payment in the office. A student testing for the first time must complete a Pre-Assessment Activity before they are allowed to test. This is not a local policy; this is a requirement from Accuplacer, the testing organization that governs TSIA2. TSIA2 test scores are used for college placement, dual credit, and honors course enrollment for the following school year.
For students still needing to take a TSIA2 or retest, the Victoria College Testing Center in Gonzales is open Mon-Thursday 8 am to 5 pm. You can log on to their website and set an appointment to test. You can practice on Accuplacer as shown below. Thank you