Nixon-Smiley DAEP Intake
"DAEP Intake" is what we call the orientation and registration of students who have been assigned to our discipline program. Intakes occur every day from 8:30 am – 10:00 am if you come after that time you will need to return the next day at the scheduled time. Students who has been assigned to the DAEP is given a specific intake date that they and their legal guardian are to attend in order to enroll into our campus. This date will come from the student’s home campus.
WHEN does intake take place?
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Home campuses will notify students & parents about when their scheduled intake date will be.
WHAT do you bring to intake?
White Shirt (no color or logs), Light Khaki Slacks (pants cannot be carpenter, gold, baggy, denim or Capri), Brown or Black Belt (belts must be plain), White or Black Socks, and White or Black Tennis Shoes
No other accessories are allowed. (See Dress Code Clarifications)
Girls hair must be of natural color. Boys hair must be cut above the eyebrows and ears and not touching the collar
Pack of loose leaf paper, pack of #2 pencils, set of earbuds
The purpose of the dress code is to create an atmosphere where maximum teaching and learning can occur and remove the socialization of the home campus. Our dress code also helps to prepare students for real world expectations because most of them will face requirements of grooming conformity in the employment settings.
WHERE is intake located?
102 West Hwy 87
Smiley, TX 78159
(Park in the parking lot behind the building)
WHY do we have intake?
Communication & Information
To keep parents & students informed on what to expect and what is expected of the student while they are at the DAEP.
WHO attends intake?
Assigned Students & Their Legal Guardian
A legal guardian must accompany assigned student & stay the entire session. Parents must provide a drivers license and must be on the birth certificate, power of attorney, or notarized documentation giving that guardian consent.
For more information call: 830-582-1536 EXT. 501